Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
join_court | 3400 | 1 | |
delegate | 3401 | 2 | |
prepare_exit_court | 3402 | - | |
exit_court | 3403 | 1 | |
vote | 3404 | 2 | |
denounce_vote | 3405 | 4 | |
reveal_vote | 3406 | 3 | |
appeal | 3407 | 1 | |
reassign_court_stakes | 3408 | 1 | |
set_inflation | 3409 | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
CourtOpened | 3400 | ["MarketIdOf","CourtOf"] | |
JurorJoined | 3401 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
ExitPrepared | 3402 | ["AccountId"] | |
ExitedCourt | 3403 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf","BalanceOf"] | |
JurorVoted | 3404 | ["CourtId","AccountId","Hash"] | |
JurorRevealedVote | 3405 | ["AccountId","CourtId","VoteItem","Hash","BalanceOf","u32"] | |
DenouncedJurorVote | 3406 | ["AccountId","AccountId","CourtId","VoteItem","Hash"] | |
DelegatorJoined | 3407 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf","Vec<AccountId>"] | |
CourtAppealed | 3408 | ["CourtId","AppealOf","Option<RoundTimingOf>"] | |
MintedInCourt | 3409 | ["AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
StakesReassigned | 340a | ["CourtId"] | |
InflationSet | 340b | ["Perbill"] |
Name | Type | |
CourtPool | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Vec<zrml_court:types:CourtPoolItem>","PlainTypeValue":509} | |
Participants | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"zrml_court:types:CourtParticipantInfo","keys_id":0,"value_id":512}} | |
SelectionNonce | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
SelectedDraws | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"Vec<zrml_court:types:Draw>","keys_id":6,"value_id":516}} | |
Courts | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"zrml_court:types:CourtInfo","keys_id":6,"value_id":73}} | |
NextCourtId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} | |
MarketIdToCourtId | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"U128","keys_id":6,"value_id":6}} | |
CourtIdToMarketId | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"U128","keys_id":6,"value_id":6}} | |
RequestBlock | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
YearlyInflation | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":83} |
Name | Type | Value | |
AppealBond | U128 | 0040e59c301200000000000000000000 | |
BlocksPerYear | U64 | a820280000000000 | |
VotePeriod | U64 | 6054000000000000 | |
AggregationPeriod | U64 | 6054000000000000 | |
AppealPeriod | U64 | 201c000000000000 | |
LockId | [U8; 8] | 7a67652f636f6c6b | |
PalletId | [U8; 8] | 7a67652f636f7574 | |
InflationPeriod | U64 | c04b030000000000 | |
MaxAppeals | U32 | 04000000 | |
MaxSelectedDraws | U32 | fe010000 | |
MaxDelegations | U32 | 05000000 | |
MaxCourtParticipants | U32 | e8030000 | |
MaxYearlyInflation | U32 | 00e1f505 | |
MinJurorStake | U128 | 005039278c0400000000000000000000 | |
RequestInterval | U64 | e0c4000000000000 | |
TreasuryPalletId | [U8; 8] | 7a67652f74737279 |
Name | Docs |
JurorDoesNotExist | An account id does not exist on the jurors storage. |
MarketDoesNotHaveCourtMechanism | On dispute or resolution, someone tried to pass a non-court market type. |
MarketIsNotDisputed | The market is not in a state where it can be disputed. |
CallerIsNotACourtParticipant | This operation requires the caller to be a juror or delegator. |
VoteAlreadyRevealed | The vote is not commitment. |
CommitmentHashMismatch | The vote item and salt reveal do not match the commitment vote. |
CourtNotFound | No court for this market id was found. |
NotInVotingPeriod | This operation is only allowed in the voting period. |
NotInAggregationPeriod | This operation is only allowed in the aggregation period. |
MaxAppealsReached | The maximum number of appeals has been reached. |
NotInAppealPeriod | This operation is only allowed in the appeal period. |
InvalidVoteState | The caller of this extrinsic needs to be drawn or in the commitment vote state. |
BelowMinJurorStake | The amount is below the minimum required stake. |
MaxCourtParticipantsReached | The maximum number of possible jurors has been reached. |
AlreadyPreparedExit | In order to exit the court the juror has to exitthe pool first with `prepare_exit_court`. |
JurorNotDrawn | The juror was not randomly selected for the court. |
JurorDidNotVote | The juror was drawn but did not manage to commitmently vote within the court. |
VoteAlreadyDenounced | The juror was already denounced. |
CallerDenouncedItself | A juror tried to denounce herself. |
CourtNotClosed | The court is not in the closed state. |
CourtAlreadyReassigned | The juror stakes of the court already got reassigned. |
NotEnoughJurorsAndDelegatorsStake | There are not enough jurors in the pool. |
MarketReportNotFound | The report of the market was not found. |
MaxCourtIdReached | The maximum number of court ids is reached. |
AmountExceedsBalance | The caller has not enough funds to join the court with the specified amount. |
AmountBelowLastJoin | After the first join of the court the amount has to be equal or higher than the current stake.This is to ensure the slashable amount in active court roundsis still smaller or equal to the stake.It is also necessary to calculate the `unconsumed` stake properly.Otherwise a juror could just reduce the probability to get selected whenever they want.But this has to be done by `prepare_exit_court` and `exit_court`.Additionally, the `join_court` and `delegate` extrinsicsuse `extend_lock` and not `set_lock` or `remove_lock`.This means those extrinsics are not meant to get out, but only to get into the court. |
AmountBelowLowestJuror | The amount is too low to kick the lowest juror out of the stake-weighted pool. |
CourtParticipantTwiceInPool | This should not happen, because the juror account should only be once in a pool. |
CallerNotInSelectedDraws | The caller of this function is not part of the juror draws. |
AppealBondExceedsBalance | The callers balance is lower than the appeal bond. |
PrematureExit | The juror should at least wait one inflation period after the funds can be unstaked.Otherwise hopping in and out for inflation rewards is possible. |
PrepareExitAtNotPresent | The `prepare_exit_at` field is not present. |
MaxDelegationsReached | The maximum number of delegations is reached for this account. |
JurorDelegated | The juror decided to be a delegator. |
SelfDelegationNotAllowed | A delegation to the own account is not possible. |
IdenticalDelegationsNotAllowed | The set of delegations has to be distinct. |
NoDelegations | The call to `delegate` is not valid if no delegations are provided. |
DelegatedToInvalidJuror | The set of delegations should contain only valid and active juror accounts. |
MarketIdToCourtIdNotFound | The market id to court id mapping was not found. |
CourtIdToMarketIdNotFound | The court id to market id mapping was not found. |
InvalidVoteItemForOutcomeCourt | The vote item is not valid for this (outcome) court. |
InvalidVoteItemForBinaryCourt | The vote item is not valid for this (binary) court. |
AppealedVoteItemIsNoOutcome | The appealed vote item is not an outcome. |
WinnerVoteItemIsNoOutcome | The winner vote item is not an outcome. |
OutcomeMismatch | The outcome does not match the market outcomes. |
VoteItemIsNoOutcome | The vote item was expected to be an outcome, but is actually not an outcome. |
Unexpected | Action cannot be completed because an unexpected error has occurred. This should bereported to protocol maintainers. |
InflationExceedsMaxYearlyInflation | The inflation rate is too high. |