Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
add_vote_outcome | 3b00 | 2 | |
refund_vote_fees | 3b05 | 1 | |
purge_outcomes | 3b01 | 1 | |
reward_outcome_owner | 3b02 | 1 | |
vote_on_outcome | 3b03 | 3 | |
unlock_vote_balance | 3b04 | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
AddedVotingOutcome | 3b00 | ["MarketIdOf","AccountIdOf","OutcomeReport"] | |
GlobalDisputeWinnerDetermined | 3b01 | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
OutcomeOwnersRewarded | 3b02 | ["MarketIdOf","Vec<AccountIdOf>"] | |
OutcomeOwnerRewarded | 3b03 | ["MarketIdOf","AccountIdOf"] | |
OutcomesPartiallyCleaned | 3b04 | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
OutcomesFullyCleaned | 3b05 | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
VotedOnOutcome | 3b06 | ["AccountIdOf","MarketIdOf","OutcomeReport","BalanceOf"] |
Name | Type | |
Locks | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"Vec<Tuple:U128U128>","keys_id":0,"value_id":529}} | |
Outcomes | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","zeitgeist_primitives:outcome_report:OutcomeReport"],"value":"zrml_global_disputes:types:OutcomeInfo","keys_id":532,"value_id":533}} | |
GlobalDisputesInfo | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"zrml_global_disputes:types:GlobalDisputeInfo","keys_id":6,"value_id":536}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
AddOutcomePeriod | U64 | 201c000000000000 | |
GlobalDisputeLockId | [U8; 8] | 7a67652f67646c6b | |
GlobalDisputesPalletId | [U8; 8] | 7a67652f676c6470 | |
MaxGlobalDisputeVotes | U32 | 32000000 | |
MaxOwners | U32 | 0a000000 | |
MinOutcomeVoteAmount | U128 | 00e87648170000000000000000000000 | |
RemoveKeysLimit | U32 | fa000000 | |
GdVotingPeriod | U64 | e0c4000000000000 | |
VotingOutcomeFee | U128 | 00204aa9d10100000000000000000000 |
Name | Docs |
AmountTooLow | Sender tried to vote with an amount below a defined minimum. |
InvalidGlobalDisputeStatus | The global dispute status is invalid for this operation. |
InsufficientAmount | Sender does not have enough funds for the vote on an outcome. |
MaxOwnersReached | The maximum amount of owners is reached. |
MaxVotesReached | The maximum number of votes for this account is reached. |
NoFundsToReward | The amount in the reward pot is zero. |
GlobalDisputeNotFound | No global dispute present at the moment. |
OutcomeAlreadyExists | The voting outcome has been already added. |
OutcomeDoesNotExist | The outcome specified is not present in the voting outcomes. |
OutcomeMismatch | Submitted outcome does not match market type. |
OutcomesNotFullyCleaned | The outcomes are not fully cleaned yet. |
SharedPossessionRequired | Only a shared possession is allowed. |
UnfinishedGlobalDispute | The global dispute period is not over yet. The winner is not yet determined. |
AddOutcomePeriodIsOver | The period in which outcomes can be added is over. |
NotInGdVotingPeriod | It is not inside the period in which votes are allowed. |
GlobalDisputeNotDestroyed | The operation requires a global dispute in a destroyed state. |
GlobalDisputeAlreadyExists | The global dispute was already started. |