Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
admin_move_market_to_closed | 3901 | 1 | |
admin_move_market_to_resolved | 3902 | 1 | |
approve_market | 3903 | 1 | |
request_edit | 3904 | 2 | |
buy_complete_set | 3905 | 2 | |
dispute | 3906 | 1 | |
create_market | 3908 | 10 | |
edit_market | 3909 | 9 | |
redeem_shares | 390c | 1 | |
reject_market | 390d | 2 | |
report | 390e | 2 | |
sell_complete_set | 390f | 2 | |
start_global_dispute | 3910 | 1 | |
create_market_and_deploy_pool | 3911 | 11 | |
schedule_early_close | 3912 | 1 | |
dispute_early_close | 3913 | 1 | |
reject_early_close | 3914 | 1 | |
close_trusted_market | 3915 | 1 | |
manually_close_market | 3916 | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
BadOnInitialize | 3900 | ||
BoughtCompleteSet | 3901 | ["MarketIdOf","BalanceOf","AccountIdOf"] | |
MarketApproved | 3902 | ["MarketIdOf","MarketStatus"] | |
MarketCreated | 3903 | ["MarketIdOf","AccountId","MarketOf"] | |
MarketDestroyed | 3904 | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
MarketClosed | 3905 | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
MarketEarlyCloseScheduled | 3906 | ["MarketIdOf","MarketPeriod<BlockNumberFor, MomentOf>","EarlyCloseState"] | |
MarketEarlyCloseDisputed | 3907 | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
MarketEarlyCloseRejected | 3908 | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
MarketDisputed | 3909 | ["MarketIdOf","MarketStatus","AccountIdOf"] | |
MarketExpired | 390a | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
MarketRejected | 390b | ["MarketIdOf","RejectReason"] | |
MarketReported | 390c | ["MarketIdOf","MarketStatus","ReportOf"] | |
MarketResolved | 390d | ["MarketIdOf","MarketStatus","OutcomeReport"] | |
MarketRequestedEdit | 390e | ["MarketIdOf","EditReason"] | |
MarketEdited | 390f | ["MarketIdOf","MarketOf"] | |
SoldCompleteSet | 3910 | ["MarketIdOf","BalanceOf","AccountIdOf"] | |
TokensRedeemed | 3911 | ["MarketIdOf","AssetOf","BalanceOf","BalanceOf","AccountIdOf"] | |
GlobalDisputeStarted | 3912 | ["MarketIdOf"] | |
RecoveryLimitReached | 3913 | ["TimeFrame","TimeFrame"] |
Name | Type | |
MarketIdsPerCloseBlock | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"Vec<U128>","keys_id":4,"value_id":526}} | |
MarketIdsPerCloseTimeFrame | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"Vec<U128>","keys_id":4,"value_id":526}} | |
LastTimeFrame | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
MarketIdsPerDisputeBlock | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"Vec<U128>","keys_id":4,"value_id":526}} | |
MarketIdsPerReportBlock | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"Vec<U128>","keys_id":4,"value_id":526}} | |
MarketIdsForEdit | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"Vec<U8>","keys_id":6,"value_id":121}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
AdvisoryBond | U128 | 00204aa9d10100000000000000000000 | |
AdvisoryBondSlashPercentage | U8 | 00 | |
CloseEarlyDisputeBond | U128 | 0040e59c301200000000000000000000 | |
CloseEarlyProtectionTimeFramePeriod | U64 | 002e930200000000 | |
CloseEarlyProtectionBlockPeriod | U64 | 100e000000000000 | |
CloseEarlyRequestBond | U128 | 0040e59c301200000000000000000000 | |
DisputeBond | U128 | 0040e59c301200000000000000000000 | |
MaxCategories | U16 | 4000 | |
MinCategories | U16 | 0200 | |
MaxCreatorFee | U32 | 80969800 | |
MaxDisputes | U32 | 01000000 | |
MinDisputeDuration | U64 | 100e000000000000 | |
MinOracleDuration | U64 | 2c01000000000000 | |
MaxGracePeriod | U64 | a820280000000000 | |
MaxOracleDuration | U64 | c089010000000000 | |
MaxDisputeDuration | U64 | c04b030000000000 | |
MaxRejectReasonLen | U32 | 00040000 | |
MaxMarketLifetime | U64 | a082a00000000000 | |
MaxEditReasonLen | U32 | 00040000 | |
OutsiderBond | U128 | 00409452a30300000000000000000000 | |
PalletId | [U8; 8] | 7a67652f70726564 | |
CloseEarlyBlockPeriod | U64 | a08c000000000000 | |
CloseEarlyTimeFramePeriod | U64 | 00ccbf1900000000 | |
OracleBond | U128 | 00204aa9d10100000000000000000000 | |
ValidityBond | U128 | 00a0724e180900000000000000000000 |
Name | Docs |
CannotDisputeSameOutcome | Someone is trying to call `dispute` with the same outcome that is currentlyregistered on-chain. |
EditorNotCreator | Only creator is able to edit the market. |
EditReasonLengthExceedsMaxEditReasonLen | EditReason's length greater than MaxEditReasonLen. |
InsufficientFundsInMarketAccount | Market account does not have enough funds to pay out. |
InsufficientShareBalance | Sender does not have enough share balance. |
InvalidMultihash | An invalid Hash was included in a multihash parameter. |
InvalidMarketType | An invalid market type was found. |
InvalidScoringRule | An operation is requested that is unsupported for the given scoring rule. |
NotEnoughBalance | Sender does not have enough balance to buy shares. |
MarketAlreadyReported | Market is already reported on. |
MarketDurationTooLong | The market duration is longer than allowed. |
MarketEditRequestAlreadyInProgress | Market edit request is already in progress. |
MarketEditNotRequested | Market is not requested for edit. |
MarketIsNotActive | Market was expected to be active. |
MarketIsNotClosed | Market was expected to be closed. |
MarketIsNotCollectingSubsidy | A market in subsidy collection phase was expected. |
MarketIsNotProposed | A proposed market was expected. |
MarketIsNotReported | A reported market was expected. |
MarketIsNotDisputed | A disputed market was expected. |
MarketIsNotResolved | A resolved market was expected. |
MarketStartTooSoon | The point in time when the market becomes active is too soon. |
MarketStartTooLate | The point in time when the market becomes active is too late. |
MarketDisputeMechanismNotFailed | The market dispute mechanism has not failed. |
MissingBond | Tried to settle missing bond. |
NotEnoughCategories | The number of categories for a categorical market is too low. |
NoWinningBalance | The user has no winning balance. |
OutcomeMismatch | Submitted outcome does not match market type. |
RejectReasonLengthExceedsMaxRejectReasonLen | RejectReason's length greater than MaxRejectReasonLen. |
ReporterNotOracle | The report is not coming from designated oracle. |
StorageOverflow | It was tried to append an item to storage beyond the boundaries. |
TooManyCategories | Too many categories for a categorical market. |
InvalidDisputeMechanism | The action requires another market dispute mechanism. |
InvalidMarketStatus | Catch-all error for invalid market status. |
UnexpectedNoneInPostInfo | The post dispatch should never be None. |
ZeroAmount | An amount was illegally specified as zero. |
InvalidMarketPeriod | Market period is faulty (too short, outside of limits) |
InvalidOutcomeRange | The outcome range of the scalar market is invalid. |
NotAllowedToReportYet | Can not report before market.deadlines.grace_period is ended. |
DisputeDurationSmallerThanMinDisputeDuration | Specified dispute_duration is smaller than MinDisputeDuration. |
OracleDurationSmallerThanMinOracleDuration | Specified oracle_duration is smaller than MinOracleDuration. |
DisputeDurationGreaterThanMaxDisputeDuration | Specified dispute_duration is greater than MaxDisputeDuration. |
GracePeriodGreaterThanMaxGracePeriod | Specified grace_period is greater than MaxGracePeriod. |
OracleDurationGreaterThanMaxOracleDuration | Specified oracle_duration is greater than MaxOracleDuration. |
WeightsLenMustEqualAssetsLen | The weights length has to be equal to the assets length. |
InvalidBaseAsset | Provided base_asset is not allowed to be used as base_asset. |
UnregisteredForeignAsset | A foreign asset in not registered in AssetRegistry. |
GlobalDisputeExistsAlready | The start of the global dispute for this market happened already. |
NoDisputeMechanism | The market has no dispute mechanism. |
NonZeroDisputePeriodOnTrustedMarket | The dispute duration is positive but the market has dispute period. |
FeeTooHigh | The fee is too high. |
InvalidResolutionMechanism | The resolution mechanism resulting from the scoring rule is not supported. |
RequesterNotCreator | The early market close operation was not requested by the market creator. |
EarlyCloseRequestTooLate | The early close would be scheduled after the original market period end. |
InvalidEarlyCloseState | This early close state is not valid. |
NoEarlyCloseScheduled | There is no early close scheduled. |
OnlyAuthorizedCanScheduleEarlyClose | After there was an early close already scheduled,only the `CloseMarketsEarlyOrigin` can schedule another one. |
CallerNotMarketCreator | The caller is not the market creator. |
MarketIsNotTrusted | The market is not trusted. |
NotAllowedForBlockBasedMarkets | The operation is not allowed for market with a block period. |
MarketNotInCloseTimeFrameList | The market is not in the close time frame list. |
MarketPeriodEndNotAlreadyReachedYet | The market period end was not already reached yet. |