Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
pool_exit | 3801 | 3 | |
pool_exit_with_exact_asset_amount | 3803 | 4 | |
pool_exit_with_exact_pool_amount | 3804 | 4 | |
pool_join | 3805 | 3 | |
pool_join_with_exact_asset_amount | 3807 | 4 | |
pool_join_with_exact_pool_amount | 3808 | 4 | |
swap_exact_amount_in | 3809 | 6 | |
swap_exact_amount_out | 380a | 6 | |
force_pool_exit | 380b | 4 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
DistributeShareHolderRewards | 3800 | ["PoolId","u64","BalanceOf"] | |
PoolCreate | 3801 | ["CommonPoolEventParams<AccountIdOf>","PoolOf","BalanceOf","AccountId"] | |
PoolClosed | 3802 | ["PoolId"] | |
PoolCleanedUp | 3803 | ["PoolId"] | |
PoolActive | 3804 | ["PoolId"] | |
PoolExit | 3805 | ["PoolAssetsEvent<AccountIdOf, AssetOf, BalanceOf>"] | |
PoolExitWithExactAssetAmount | 3806 | ["PoolAssetEvent<AccountIdOf, AssetOf, BalanceOf>"] | |
PoolExitWithExactPoolAmount | 3807 | ["PoolAssetEvent<AccountIdOf, AssetOf, BalanceOf>"] | |
PoolJoin | 3808 | ["PoolAssetsEvent<AccountIdOf, AssetOf, BalanceOf>"] | |
PoolJoinWithExactAssetAmount | 3809 | ["PoolAssetEvent<AccountIdOf, AssetOf, BalanceOf>"] | |
PoolJoinWithExactPoolAmount | 380a | ["PoolAssetEvent<AccountIdOf, AssetOf, BalanceOf>"] | |
PoolDestroyed | 380b | ["PoolId"] | |
SwapExactAmountIn | 380c | ["SwapEvent<AccountIdOf, AssetOf, BalanceOf>"] | |
SwapExactAmountOut | 380d | ["SwapEvent<AccountIdOf, AssetOf, BalanceOf>"] |
Name | Type | |
Pools | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"zrml_swaps:types:pool:Pool","keys_id":6,"value_id":86}} | |
NextPoolId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} |
Name | Type | Value | |
ExitFee | U128 | 40420f00000000000000000000000000 | |
MaxAssets | U16 | 4100 | |
MaxSwapFee | U128 | 00ca9a3b000000000000000000000000 | |
MaxTotalWeight | U128 | 0000f2052a0100000000000000000000 | |
MaxWeight | U128 | 0000f902950000000000000000000000 | |
MinAssets | U16 | 0200 | |
MinWeight | U128 | 00e40b54020000000000000000000000 | |
PalletId | [U8; 8] | 7a67652f73776170 |
Name | Docs |
AboveMaximumWeight | The weight of an asset in a CPMM swap pool is greater than the upper weight cap. |
AssetNotInPool | The asset in question could not be found within the pool. |
BadLimitPrice | The spot price of an asset pair was greater than the specified limit. |
BelowMinimumWeight | The weight of an asset in a CPMM swap pool is lower than the upper weight cap. |
InsufficientBalance | Some funds could not be transferred due to a too low balance. |
InsufficientLiquidity | Liquidity provided to new CPMM pool is less than the minimum allowed balance. |
InvalidPoolStatus | Dispatch called on pool with invalid status. |
InvalidStateTransition | A function was called for a swaps pool that does not fulfill the state requirement. |
LimitIn | A transferal of funds into a swaps pool was above a threshold specified by the sender. |
LimitMissing | No limit was specified for a swap. |
LimitOut | A transferal of funds out of a swaps pool was below a threshold specified by thereceiver. |
MathApproximation | The custom math library yielded an invalid result (most times unexpected zero value). |
MaxInRatio | The proportion of an asset added into a pool in comparison to the amountof that asset in the pool is above the threshold specified by a constant. |
MaxOutRatio | The proportion of an asset taken from a pool in comparison to the amountof that asset in the pool is above the threshold specified by a constant. |
MaxTotalWeight | The total weight of all assets within a CPMM pool is above a threshold specifiedby a constant. |
PoolDoesNotExist | The pool in question does not exist. |
PoolDrain | A pool balance dropped below the allowed minimum. |
PoolIsNotActive | The pool in question is inactive. |
ProvidedValuesLenMustEqualAssetsLen | Two vectors do not have the same length (usually CPMM pool assets and weights). |
SwapFeeTooHigh | The swap fee is higher than the allowed maximum. |
TooFewAssets | Tried to create a pool that has less assets than the lower threshold specified bya constant. |
TooManyAssets | Tried to create a pool that has more assets than the upper threshold specified bya constant. |
SomeIdenticalAssets | Tried to create a pool with at least two identical assets. |
ZeroAmount | Some amount in a transaction equals zero. |
Unexpected | An unexpected error occurred. This is the result of faulty pallet logic and should bereported to the pallet maintainers. |